The Living Method of Awakening Substack
Awakening Clarity Now Podcasting
Q&A Session Community Forum 6th January 2024

Q&A Session Community Forum 6th January 2024

A new FREE casual community discussion forum for those who are seeking to "wake up" or find out more about
The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening

Curious to know more (there's so much more)
& have questions about how Fred's teaching can benefit 'you'?   Whether you are new to Fred's work or have been following him for some time, come and join us to talk about what "The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening is all about and how it could benefit you and those around you.  Get answers to your questions about “The Living Method” and non-duality from the First Authorized Teacher of “The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening. Hear from people from all walks of life who have worked with or been taught directly by Fred and now form part of the wider support community.    

Get clarity for yourself.  

Get your questions answered. 

And it's Free!

Discover what it means to live as the greater truth of life through Awakening Clarity Now's "The Living Method" of Spiritual Awakening.

Join us for this event to discover how this revolutionary practice has guided its participants to the recognition of  Truth.

Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina will be answering your questions and guiding you to clarity. Members of the Awakening Clarity Now Team and experienced, clear students of "The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening will be available to share their journey and insights into how the direct teaching of “The Living Method” has impacted their lives.

Get clearer & get your questions answered in a FREE small group setting.

It's a comfortable way to put your toes in the water of this groundbreaking teaching of non-duality!

Register for next Q&A event :

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The Living Method of Awakening Substack
Awakening Clarity Now Podcasting
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